Saturday 22 December 2012

Week 07(Juxtaposition)

What is Juxtaposition? The arrangement of two or more ideas, characters, actions, settings, phrases, or words side-by-side or in similar narrative moments for the purpose of comparison, contrast, rhetorical effect, suspense, or character development.


1.Baby with a machine gun


2.Animal with a machine gun 

3.Animals with clothes on


4.combine to animal


or in photography also there many technique for juxtaposition 


Analogy: Exercise:

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love”

My love your behavior is like chili 
when you are angry you become silly
you are spicy
I feel sweaty


Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life”

life is like chess! if you don't know how to play all like to teach you and when you learnt how to play all want to lose it...

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Happiness”

happiness is like time...always It will come and it will go...It will come and it will go...


Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman”

man(mortar) and woman (pestle) : by mortar and pestle it's used to make spice mixtures to get new spice and woman mix together to have new relationship.


Sunday 16 December 2012

Week 6(Mortar And Pestle)

(Use of mortar and pestle)

The mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, ceramic or stone. The pestle is a heavy club-shaped object, the end of which is used for crushing and grinding.


Traffic light?

Green light allows traffic to proceed in the direction denoted.

Orange/amber light denoting prepare to stop short of the intersection.

Red signal prohibits any traffic from proceeding.


Downhill Skiing?

 Skiing is a recreational activity and competitive sport in which the participant attaches long runners or skis to boots or shoes on the feet and uses them to travel on top of snow.


Wednesday 5 December 2012

Week 5(Mind Map)

Mind Map:

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a important key word or idea. Mind maps are used to  visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing.

Did you ever play the game of word association? Where someone will say a word and you have to say the first thing that comes into your head? This is how a mind map works. You start with a subject in the center and then add branches around it with words or categories on each one. So you could start with Plants in the center and add branches for each broad type of plant. Then another branch (or more) can come from each broad type. It is recommended to use color and pictures on your maps to help.


There are two type of Mind Map:

. Logical Mind Map

     . Associated Mind Map

What is Logical Mind Map?

The Logical Mind Map is directly connected to stereotypes. This means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.
you to remember where each term is positioned on the page. Our brains remember pictures and colors better than words.


What is Associated Mind Map?

Using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.


Friday 30 November 2012

Week 4 (Si-o-Se Pol Bridge)

What traits made them creative?
 What environmental conditions existed?
 What was the process of creativity?

The Si-o-Se Pol Bridge goes from the Zayandeh Rud to Esfahan’s famous Chahar Bagh Boulevard with the Armenian neighborhood. This bridge is not only one of the oldest in Esfahan (built between 1591 and 1597 on the order of Shah Abbas. It was power environmental to Allah Verdi Khan to be promoted to shah) the sluices lend of bridge its name, for Si-o-Se Pol means the Bridge of 33 arches in Farsi. The Si-o-Se Pol is called as the Allah Verdi Khan Bridge. Allah Verdi Khan Georgian was caught within one of Shah Abbas’s Caucasus campaigns. He worked his way up to the position of commander in the Persian ghulam army and lastly he became the second most powerful man in the empire, after the shah.

Process of bridge: the lower level of 33 arches is surmounted by a second layer, with one arch above each of the pontoons and two arches above the lower single arch, giving it its name.

The bridge’s double-decker structure is built from the yellow brick and limestone masonry that is typical of Esfahan architecture. In the old days, when the bridge was a major thoroughfare full of carriages, farmers driving stock to store, and carts laden high with goods for the bazaar(shopping)), these side corridors intended as pedestrian area  where people on foot could be safer.


Thursday 22 November 2012

Week 3(Assignment 2)

Topic: People what kind of environment, situation would make you to become a creative/inventive/innovative person???

According to topic I would like to write the thing I think is make a person creative/inventive/innovative...

• A person who has many careers in age of young for example Mechanical, Sewing ,Carpentry and etc …all of them together we make a person to invent something interesting I think creative person should have many ability to creative or invent wonderful thing. Parent should help their child to become a creative by helping them to achieve suitable career.

• Environment that a see person has many uneducated people around himself is one of the cause of being creative person. I have reason for my talk environment that have many uneducated people a person who is educated will be seen more  it can be in family, job, and society. They can improve in their work because expectations is high of them its makes them to improve their ability, work and in their life as well.

• I do believe force situation and afraid of thing like war also is make a person to invent an extraordinary thing to prove my claim I need to give an example. There are five Innovations from World War II which was evolution in technology.

1. RADAR and SONAR: The US Navy coined the acronym RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging)SONAR (Sound Detection and Ranging) in 1940.


2. Computers: The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) computer, originally designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the US Army.

File:Classic shot of the ENIAC.jpg



3. Synthetic rubber: 1942 in Japan used rubber for tires, boots, practically every single thing soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines.

File:Sheet of synthetic rubber coming off the rolling mill at the plant of Goodrich.jpg


4. Jet engines: The first working of jet engine was England but a couple years before the war and they didn’t invest much in the technology. The Germans, on the other hand, built the Messerschmitt Me 262 which became the first jet-powered fighter aircraft — the fastest, most advanced war plane at the time.


5. Multi-track recording: multi-track audio recording system wasn't invented until years after the war.


In end they are just five example of invented in WWII but they are more thing that invented in WWII including: vaccines and other medicine; logistical support; manufacturing, production and distribution, spying and espionage, communications, weaponry of all kinds.

People who was in World War II in situation of war invented fantastic thing to defend themselves...

Saturday 17 November 2012

Week 3(Assignment 1)

"The PC is dead, long live the tablet"
( What does this tell us about the process of invention and innovation)
Invention and innovation is moving so fast in progress and I believe we should update our self through technology. Invention and innovation sometimes technology is harmful! Yes it's true. In my opinion human being invention should have some harmful for us nobody can claim that all human being invention is perfect for example Television: it has bad effect to your eyes, some TV programs have negative effect for people and they are some cartoon have negative effect for children by seeing wild scenes and etc...
Anyway nowadays few people watching TV or maybe online TV. People most of the time using computer to connect to World Wide Web is most popular product nowadays. 
youJust and just invention of God is perfect and nobody able to find any problem. Do you know why? because it's simple we have been created by God. (IF U FIND ANY PLEASE TELL ME BECAUSE I’M NOT ABLE TO FIND IT) 
According to article: Is good to see invention of new product that makes our life easy as I said computer is the most popular product in world. I think they are some issue that makes scientists to think of invent new product for us. One of issue is computer not portable for people to other place like office, school, trip and etc…so they invent laptop that is easily too portable for people 

After years invention of laptop as we know people trends to “Smartphone and Tablet” according to Gartner report 6, 821 million Smartphone’s and tablets will be purchased by the end of the year!!! Showing that people looking for product that is easy useable and easy portable All companies having challenging to make good product to have better sell, actually is good us...people we going to have best product ever.

Guys all of these new products is to have an easy life...
