Thursday 5 September 2013

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein XIV in March 1879 in the city of Ulm in Württemberg, Germany , and the medium was born. A year after his birth his family moved to Munich was my first . Albert 's father , Hermann Einstein, a small factory for the production of electro-chemical , and with the help of his brother, who was the technical director of the plant was operating . Although the work was completed transactions insight . Albert 's father , like many people of different political views , although with the Prvsyha German opposition , but he praised the new German Empire and its Chancellor " Bismarck " generals " Mvltkh " and the old Emperor " first wilhelm » honored Mydasht .
Albert was by no means Ajvbhay children and even took a long time to learn to speak , so that her parents were horrified that their child might be deformed or abnormal . But finally started to speak , but was often silent and never had children between the normal game and the fun and affection between the child did not like .
Young Einstein at the age of ten he left school and secondary school in Munich " Lvyyt money " was entered. In high school, you were a mistake , that it was his way of punishing you after school , supervised by a teacher , the class will be confiscated and given the perverse and hateful classrooms, it is added to stay true activation was .
Einstein was so virtuoso when he was five, his father once showed him a pocket compass , magnetic properties mysterious hand had a profound impact on children . Although no cause no visible effect on ticking , the child should be concluded in the space that will attract objects . Einstein was fifteen years old when the incident occurred that diverted the flow of his life in a new way .

When Albert came into the city of Milan, his father said he plans to leave the German citizenship . Mr. Herman noted that he is so ugly and abnormal .

Student life
In this era, the most famous technical institute in Central Europe excluding Germany, Switzerland, the Zurich School of the Academy . Albert volunteers took part in the test , but was rejected because of the natural sciences, extensive information was not passed .the new method was introduced .

After a year of staying in school to get my diploma and finding the polytechnic in Zurich was accepted without examination . Physics lessons associated with the Academy did not think any depth , even in the presence of Albert stimulated the search giant 's books to be studied . His works of classical masters such as theoretical physics : Boltzmann , Maxwell and Hertz studied with peculiar avidity . He passed the time of day and night , while reading these books , they were familiar with the art of elaborate how to build a strong mathematical foundation . He just finished his studies Rapayan 19th century and was confronted by the issue of jobs created .

Since the Polytechnic school teaching positions could be obtained , and it was only one way left that job and position in school mean to search . Albert started in 1910 and now twenty-one years old and had acquired Swiss citizenship . When he was a volunteer tutor job and was accepted .

After the dark ages , suddenly a light shone and later worked at the Patent Office and the City " Bern " moved . Shortly after moving to the city of Bern, Einstein with his old classmates at school Mylvamarych result Polytechnic married and had two sons, the name of eldest son of Albert successive laid. Einstein worked in a patent office was not unpleasant , and even gave a very interesting task, he mentioned that it was brought to the office of the invention , the Initial testing Bean.

Because of the general laws of physics , especially Einstein was interested in seeking the truth with the help of a few large businesses to deduce a logical way . Albert then tried to come back to the campus .

Academic seats

In late 1910, Chair of Theoretical Physics at the German University of Prague were empty . These universities offer college professors appointed by the Emperor of Austria was usually made ​​the right choice to put the Minister of Culture . Decision to select a candidate , first of all , the physicist , "Anton lamp " and he was taken to select two teachers , one of whom " Kvstav Yayvman " and another " Einstein " was. " Yayvman " rejected it and then accepted the position of Einstein's great rivalries .

He owns two properties that had caused him to be a proficient teacher . The first was that they had been fascinated for some more of his fellow men , especially those who lived around him useful.

his new theory is empirically confirmed .

Departure from Prague
While in Prague, Einstein taught , not only about your new idea , but with more intensity than he founded his own theory about the new Quantum of Bern started the of the . With all this detail Einstein University in Prague informed that at the end of Summer 1912, he left the service .he left Prague . "

Einstein was bound for the city of Zurich and the Zurich Polytechnic School in 1912 and went on to become a professor . Shortly after arriving in Berlin, Einstein , Einstein Hylva his wife had a disagreement with him was isolated from various aspects of life with a single occasion.

Was elected to membership in the Royal Academy , and was thirty-four years of age than their colleagues who were older than he seemed too young . Yet all that Einstein created the first man, polite and friendly .

Einstein and World War I.
Einstein lived in Berlin a year later still of the World War began in August 1914 . During the First World War , the Berlin newspaper stories every day from the start of the war the German military conquests . Meanwhile, his cousin Elsa Einstein at his home with his familiar . Elsa, the woman was kind and friendly, and he had two daughters of her late husband , former , however, Einstein married . International war and the world of science education as a result of the spirited cognition was not prevented Einstein 's theory of gravity with superb heat development and completion of their pay.

The new theory was soon confirmed and the scientists note . Experimental confirmation of Einstein's theory has attracted the attention of the public .
Einstein trips
Propaganda attacks against Einstein was opposed and led the world in all countries and in all social classes to attract public attention towards his theories . Implications for the masses, no matter what he did , and the public about what they did not understand the subject of political debate . Einstein began his journey in time , first in the Netherlands , the Czech and Slovak nations , Spain , France , Russia , Austria , Britain , America and many other countries . But the remarkable thing is that when Einstein and his wife were welcomed into New York harbor and ardent protests were met .

Einstein and the Asian countries of China , Japan and has traveled to Palestine and the end of his journey . In 1924 , after several trips around the world, Einstein was once again in Berlin . The attacks on him as he continued to express thoughts and ideas of the Jewish people and to the benefit of fascism knew Prnystvn city in America is due to Einstein . Shortly after his wife Elsa Einstein and his sister is born in 1936 in Florence Prnystvn his brother came to town .

At the same time, Einstein accepted citizenship in America . Einstein's 1945 pension law professorship Institute of Higher Studies Prnystvn left. But the official side , and he did not produce a change in lifestyle . He still Prnystvn has been mentioned in the Institute to continue his investigation .

Forbidden to preach

be specific .man enters no introduction . Lack of awareness or lack of awareness and proper young and confused and this will be followed by an adverse and negative moods . Parents and caregivers of children up to two years before full maturity must do the following steps . - He will be ready soon and gradually make changes in your body and mind will feel . - Ways to make him change course . - I congratulate these changes and reminded him that he started a new period in his life started. - To remind him that this is a step towards personal and social change in the evolution of personal and social responsibility is a reason why he is in order . - To tell her that the physical changes associated with changes in the psychological dimensions of emotional , mental changes , mood or behavior occur . Important communicate properly with teenage adolescence . Today your beloved baby with the changes that occur Drjsm and soul descends into adulthood . A new identity for himself that he wants to obtain, it is natural that arise in connection with problems for you . Your relationships with parents and educators for the child or teen student is intimate and warm , it is necessary to note the following . Admission adolescents : The first step is to create and strengthen a friendly relationship with the teenager that he may agree with all outputs. This and shortcomings . Behavioral shortcomings as his strengths and skills and to accept him as a person who has an independent , individual tastes and ideas are available , see . She admitted to feeling confident and underestimate the wrongs and get the appreciation of desirable things . Nvjvanantan understanding : understanding and perception of life and its problems are different from the perception that young . He sees life as simple as possible , so that your ideas are absurd and ridiculous . Do not insignificant mocked him about his beliefs . Why does this guy continue to suffer emotional relationship with their children . Two-way communication can be many different reasons you may sometimes parents and educators to tell teens what to do and what not to expect him to have obedience . This relationship suggests a way of dealing with teenagers , disabled and non- durable, lead to teenage rebellion against your commands and the relationship between you and him would harm the emotional and heartfelt . Please refrain from giving direct advice : listen to the advice and counsel youths directly and together they provide a hint Gftaryshan and behavioral difficulties can be elusive . Perfect teen knows your actions and do not tolerate advice from you . For behavior modification , they can indirectly aware of the negative behavior of large cases in this regard says :

There are hundreds of ways for the advice but the worst of it , the same is true to say, take heed choose .be resistant to life . Leave enough time to communicate with teens : teens need attention , they want to talk. Protest and the emotions and events that happen at school or from friends, hear , speak , every time you connect with a mother , father or coach is more than happy with them and they will be less able to communicate anachronistic was . Due to the impact of social problems : social problems, negative effects on adolescents. Your faire parents and educators in improving social conditions , the effect diminishes efforts at home and school . Teen different amounts of energy in your physical aggressive behaviors, defiance , and Hadshjvyy . Drains . Encourage children to different sports , activities and modeling for them and stimulate them to participate in the replication of the pattern makes them a logical way to evacuate your energy . Follow Teen Student status : At this age , your child may have apathy towards the subject , and to indulge in things like exercising, tending to their situation and That , as you know, advice, admonition , censure and not work with others . Therefore, ignoring the lessons of his search and try to solve your problem .and social Psndydhay not establish that a child with her ​​teen friends and acquaintances can increase social skills , such as field trips with his teenage son duo go and meet as many social relationships with others , shopping the shop , find the address of an institution requested to do a practice run with him . Independence Teen : Teen calls from constraints childhood she has attached to her family , they will be removed and replaced with new models . On the other hand , is strongly dependent on the family and wants to meet Tvqatsh . So their sense of independence opposition , resistance and stubbornness shows parents and educators , and a juvenile needs to be problematic for you . To deal with adolescent behavior , Bhtrst always talk to her tone that she does not feel you have to remember that the decision of the juvenile 's counsel does not like big cases : young advice should be short , like the story is fresh .he mentioned that he used to do his deeds . Know that removal of freedom , for a short time she could be instructive .

Monday 2 September 2013

Religion and art

AbstractThe art in view of the type of relationship with religion, religious art, in this paper, we take a more philosophical , are examined . As a prelude to the creation of this discussion , the definitions of both noted the views of some scholars , is presented . Vbrdashty art based on the definition that we have a way to express the difference of similarity with respect to these funds Vmahvy of religion and art , the relationship between the two is clarified and explanations . The main reason Vasasy " same origin " and "Subscribe purpose " between the two , the result is that " Religion and art are not the same width ." Based on this concept art with the correct criteria for determining the actual standards , examples and various forms of artistic activity , with the angle that we are clear . Accordingly , naturally, a lot of things that were claimed Vsahban art that claims to be an artist , this is out of scope Vtrd . Other issues such as the division of religious and non- religious art , vulgar and non- vulgar, is not relevant . It is an art , an art that some have interpreted as non- religious or vulgar impression should not be considered art, not Vnmy . Yatsvr to limit religion to art and it gives his subordinates Vnhy , - for the same reason mentioned above - Vmntfy is completely removed . What art really is , perpendicular to the line of Vastvar religion , religion is incompatible with the lofty ideals and as its size , the fundamental needs of human beings and probably always active in his community , he Vpvyast prosperity and health . And what is not , " Tsvyl " Vjadvst .IntroductionThroughout history, religion has always interpreted the world ( in the comments ) Vdgrgvn make the man ( in the act ) has focused on all the fundamentally Vtam . But the most important fact of its mission to teach people practical guidance for his talents and his ability to bring actions . Sentence of this innate human talents , Dvnsr by: Vandyshh The other reason emotion is the one who said : Wisdom from the former waste art from the latter . Perhaps both unity and reproductive element - intellect and feeling - that the creation of these two phenomena Vpydaysh - Wisdom Art - led and leads . In any case, a man born of wisdom and art are Vastdadhay him . Here are examples of art as a manifestation of one's innate talents , selected and its relationship to criticize religion is being checked . Obviously , in this paper , the concept of public art that span both instances the intended purpose of religion , religion in general , the credit union issued share Drghayt Vmbda the source and the destination is . And the spirit of all those who share Vhakm Drasvl , religions and laws rooted in God regardless of superficial Aztdd Vmqtzyat terms of human history , the religion of religions Vjvhry declares the intrinsic unity of knowledge . It says: " Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam ( submission to the right ) is. " ( 1 ) is appropriate prior to the discussion , definitions of religion, art and nature provide us with two brief points .ReligionVmbda divine origin of the religion that is based on an innate sense Vftrt indestructible nature of man. It is an ideal Vbatn inner essence of supreme truth , and every man is inherently good human nature is the desire to achieve Vrsydn . The fact that " perfection " is interpreted and Adam willingly or looking to move efforts . Effort that pervades all his life , but his whole life . It is also a form of visual verification programs Havqvanyn behavior that will shape the content of the law . This system is a collection of religious behavior " and Vnyst is " and "ought Vnbaydha " the best all-round development of human Vtaly Vtjsm come to the soul of man John Vtblvr Vzhvr in his behavior , he Drmqam locations " best Altqvym " puts life .Accordingly, the interpretation of a religion should be interpreted for human progression from pure life , the origin of the universe Vmnthay . In the course of action to take , Syrnamnthay man with healthy Seleucid Vhdfmnd combined , which puts him on the right path and is connected to the nearness of God in this way , finally, to the " perfection " tied . Locations as the source of every good shop forming all Lzayz is the all-round pleasure .
ArtHow to define what art is a function of the basic variables are included and indicates the type of art as it is defined Vbrdashty the provider . Different knowledge areas , less subject to differences of view art exposed a difference of opinion . Tolstoy the Shaslv - German aesthetics - about the nature of aesthetics, which is typically interpreted as art , writes : " It is difficult in any field of science and philosophy to such an investigation in such a manner inconsistent Vnaqs justified , Bdangvnh the aesthetic realm is found , confront . " ( 2 )Seems to refer to some of these views , it is suitable for incremental mode to " bit- search " key , which should deal with in this paper . Some have already said, these definitions provide superior patterns comprehensive definition of art is not art . Some of the evidence is defined . Some have said the art appliances ; Vbza as it results traces are defined as art . Eat less defined and returns a consistent definition of " reasonable level " with its implicit universality Vmanyt .Barry Shafts ((shafts bury1670-1713 says : "Beauty is only known by the Spirit . Allah original beauty . " ( 3 ) Hachsvn (Hutcheson 1694-1744) in his book - the origin of our ideas about beauty Vtqvy - the art the "Beauty " knows the essence of unity in diversity lies in the manifestation Vzhvr . " ( 4 ) According to Fykhth (fikhteh1761-1814):" the Art of beautiful soul Vbrvz Vmqsdsh education , the education of the whole man . " ( 5 ) Vshlyng ((shelling 1775-1854 "The main character concept art , Infinity is unclear . artistic unity of mind (subjective) and objective (objective) is created . 's sense of unity with nature and the absence of the Union the compound is present . therefore is the knowledge of the highest art . " ( 6 ) Hegel (Hegel 1770-1813) the art of " achieving similar concept ( idea ) , but he believes he knows the true beauty only found in soul cleric Vmzamyn Philosophy of religion is a tool for creating intelligence with the deepest expression of human affairs Valytryn spirit is truth . " ( 7 ) Khalil Gibran says : " art is a step into the unknown world of perception " ( 8 ) and opinion Mvzly (mostly) " beauty is found in the human psyche . nature makes us aware of what is sacred Vale Vale art is manifestation of the mystery of the holy things . " ( 9 ) Tolstoy (Tolstoy) says : " for the Arts precisely defined, which is required of all Nngrym as a means of enjoyment , but also know the art of the conditions of human life . " ( 10 ) Tolstoy's emphasis on nature Vghayt art communication tools Mia on these people.transmitted to humans by the communication arts ........ for human life , and for one's journey towards prosperity of human society , what is required Vlazm . because human beings with the same feelings will be connected to each other . " ( 11 )These are some ideas about the nature of contemporary art. Ingredients at this point , which is more Vbrvz include: perception Vmrft - Experimental feelings - Vmzamyn spiritual soul - the embodiment of beauty , elements which are the basis for identifying art Vmlak standards are the same definitions .in the ratio of those two words together to address the relationship between religion and art .Art , " a new form Vdlpzyr Vnmvdy attractive nature of the noble ideal of truth is rooted in human nature and the pure novelty of " what is " Culture is the " what " .This definition has three key elements . 1 - Form & content are inextricably interlinked that their links 2 - 3 inherently possess the origin Vkhvastgah - Useful Vghayty true nature .
Religion and artWe have never seen such a concept art veteran has Vastatyk Vmsdaqy static Vhmrah recession will not Vkhmvdy . The dynamic nature has always been a dynamic, active, happy with the new and beautiful views to Gary . Form and shape the content, nature , united in a strong integrity standards . In this conception , every career has been exclusively original content in the layers of its noble nature is not any type of form that has this kind of content , it is not art . Vhrngary be deprived of such a picture , an artist does not count . As Wisdom , Varmany idea that artistic activity is the content , not the container shed and Vnbayd in any form is displayed . The container contents should be careful , subtle , powerful attraction to reaching a natural choice to be able to deliver the message . Finally the actual content, form , original and beautiful , must be able to communicate with your audience feeling Vshvr him to improve his health and prosperity to the growth that has led to Vrhnmvn . Based on the nature of sacred art, fully unified Mnvrsh , language and art activities to mind upon mind , will remain .With this conception of art Vtlqy Bnym provided , the counterfeit Is poorly imitated earlier expression of our faith , that we are here to examine the relationship between the two , especially in the " nature " and " end " Vdarnd with each other ? How best to respond to these questions , exploring the philosophical connection between religion and art , the full extent of funds " place " and " differences " between them and the solution , which we will follow it .
Distinguishing features ( dissimilar s)1 - The origin of the subject of religion , God is wise Varadhan , while the origin of the subject of art , of human creativity Vnyrvy initiative is rooted in her nature .3 - provide a form of natural art form, the shape has , until concrete form - a general sense - not to his artistic work has been done and observable . But religion - at least part of it - no face, no body shape , and people without any tangible action , can also exist or be created .4 - Dean exact depth of the " tools " to achieve " ultimate " offers , which is not exhaustive of art .5 - The essence of religion is sacred counterpart , but a reputation can not always be sacred art .6 - religious truths to the public perception of the reason is Vtdbr but facetiae understand the feeling of Atefeh is more artistic .7 - " meaning the " art of Primary products are original works , but " make sense " original practice Vnkhstyn religion.8 - the ultimate truth religion religious laws , communications quad man himself , man and God , man and the universe , man and man holds , but the extent of this communication is not art . More specifically artistic activities in the field of human-human communication in this relationship develops .9 - Religion - at least all the elements of the composite components - does not appear in reaching a formal appeal , but the character art has always been his way of reaching a formal appeal is received .10 - religion, art can serve as the "heart" is as art for religion can " mold " is.The funds (as of )1 - Religion and art have a common origin every man and nature are both rooted in nature .2 - both in content and meter , or the appearance of their conscience . . Means both external aspects Vdrvny be found .3 - the part of both the messaging - related " and is not " over all that belongs to the " must Vnbayd " is.4 - The category of gender " knowledge " and " education " , each of which is in proportion to their Vgstrdgy originality .5 - The bottom part of the religion which is considered to be a mystical experience, or so-called discovery Vshhvd . Art also has a Vkhsvsyt nature of the overlay .6 - Vdynamyk both dynamic and enjoy life Vhmvarh vitality .7 - To measure and intrinsic value of each building in the development and prosperity of effective human Vkhvshbkhty helps human utopia .8 - the monopoly of any particular class is not Vnbayd . All humans can have both spiritual abundance Vhmgan have equal rights in this area .9 - Although the nature of religion and art , is cleared ; Vjvhrh Vhnrmnd religious , and to clean off dirt , but both can be affected by such hypocrisy and disease Vafat type of man to pollute them , in which case the nature of their distorted truth be changed . religion is that it is neither art nor , both completely out of character and they become repulsive gravity will effect all fallen Vblkh .10 - gifted mankind with traditional religious beliefs and the acceptance of natural Vhmgan similar nature are harmonious . The potential impact on the art of taking admission in the field of artistic creation is like this. However, this being a different reality than men Vzv the quantity and quality of their reception as well as the type of motion does not contradict the reception and it did not deny , but the impact of the adoption of the resolution .Reflecting on the basic elements of difference and similarity above we can see that most distinguishes two different origins . Origin of Religion - Mnshahdvs it - God is a singleton ; Vkhastgah art original nature of man. Vmhmtryn the way the two common origin . Origin of religion and art - Source accept two - perfect nature -seeking , truth-loving , Vzybapsnd man.From the foregoing discussion, it is clear , both in religion and art are not the same width . Because in most chapters Mqvm nature , have participated in one direction . That means Bdayt , common origin - nature - both acceptance and support is given . One of the deepest needs of both formative SPECTRA makes them look at both approaches are scrambling to feed themselves . According to Weber 's understanding that both - religion and art - trying to meet his basic needs are important to every one of your ability to do this .But in the end , the goal of both excellence and growth Vzmn human beings to each other to establish a link between the stability of their original unity , in order to agree on the nature of the first movement of his early Vftrt , to create an ideal society might organize his Varmany .Obviously , in the principality of religion and His law and constitution . Accordingly, it must be said : The function of religion is much broader than the art , and will govern the determination of his art. Because true religion for all mankind , it also offers a comprehensive art program copies only undertaken as part of this program. In fact, art has always been to contribute to the ideal that religious faith is intended for mankind in the distance is the responsibility of its ability to do its share . This work is done quite naturally . This is not a Qsry not an interactive operation , it is essential Vzaty cooperative . Vlza Dygrjayy the issue of enlisting religion , art for their own purposes , and would not , as certain as it can be .
Religious art and secular artTopics in Art Criticism , contemporary art studies , especially in a division that is seen split into religious and non- religious . Usually sacred religious art - the Vmthd - school , is also described . Other hand, the non- religious art and also the responsibility of the Non-Aligned Web - vulgar - except to teach school . Although this classification is the basis of the article , is abhorrent , but for now, regardless of right or wrong , to express some insights provided by experts in this field we are .Burkhard Titus (Titus Burkhart) in relation to religious or sacred art , "says art is indeed a sacred symbol of a supernatural existence in itself is a lie . Hence , this art should be carrying this symbol . Sacred art of Islam more than anything is the divine unity Vnmay . The glory of the beauty of both . This unity is manifested in rhythmic harmony Vksrty is manifest in the universe .Shvvan (shaven) Vhnrmnd German poet : " Here comes the religious art of the art on the Insight has an intelligent transmission that human society is lacking . Hand like a virgin wilderness . Character of religious art beautiful manifested by Vfl reason that it makes ......... religious art , if it is true that , beyond the world of forms . Picture of the fact that it never has been . " ( 13 )Simin Daneshvar Aristotle's views on religious art Vmqds remind impression , "says philosopher like Aristotle , Henry Loves the emotions of joy Vtthyr ethics is gracious . " He quoted Tolstoy writes in this regard : " The Art of Good if feeling good is to promote good feelings when the religious sense , bad good point , as well as to order them . Should art really Vrastgvyy - the main character of his Vgranbhay - loses Vgnah to promote corruption . " ( 14 )But Tolstoy , who is perhaps the most prominent advocate of the arts , religious or moral character count , expressed in this material are detailed . His art is rooted in the nature of religious consciousness is an artist , "says the variety of emotions that are religious consciousness , is endless and all these feelings are new . For the religious consciousness of man does a new relationship with the creation of the world is something else and now they want to enjoy the feelings that come from not only limited , but also their long expression have been explored . Thus disbelief classes of Europe 's great art has led them to where the content is extremely poor . " His criticism of contemporary art in the West , mainly based on the acquisition of sexual pleasure has written:" sexual pleasure that the lowest human emotions are not only available, but also that all animals have access to all the major theme of modern artworks will form . " ( 15 )Vmtfkr Shi'ite scholar , Allamah Muhammad Taqi Jafari art into three types : Art for Art - Art for the Man - Art for reasonable human life , and division , with one theory reject the second , third perspective on art and the art of leading pursuant to share about art and the art of leading a life of committed service and reasonable man , says : " the purpose of art progressive filtration and extraction current realities and truths of pure Vqrar them to channel their " sense of life " with the deceased is interesting are . Constructive genius in this art , " which is " absolutely not sign it and it does not repudiate absolute , but " what is " to save " what should be " to adjust .

Iranian intelligence really high?

Livestock breeds in IQ is superior ? Issue of racial superiority in intelligence , according to historical experience ( apartheid in South Africa , and the atrocities of Hitler ) , going to be issues with political, social , legal , and ethical ectopic applications will become ...the molten ash ideas of racial superiority still be seen around the world . Contrary to what racial superiority supporters of scientific achievements in social, occupational, or academic or national groups are introduced at some point in time , historical or sociological studies to ponder the roots , the better the test they know IQ .According to a controversial study that was conducted in 1969 by researchers in the United States of America , the " inheritance " as a decisive factor in about 80 percent of the intelligence was introduced . The controversial claim that much of the intelligence , biological and genetic origins , the idea of research in different countries and cultures can be established with the aim of comparing the intelligence of different races .At the same time , many of the previous studies , the determinants of intelligence , including heredity, environment and their interaction as they had . Thus, the difference in intelligence between the races very soon ( like interracial black) were the focus of research . The results were announced, they were amazing " 10 to 15 points higher on IQ scores than whites on blacks ! " It Tbyznzhady wave intensified further , the new laws on immigration and Svgyryhayy resources and training programs for specific groups in different cultures , but studies in the meta-analysis of fieldwork intelligence , other evidence was clear .● What is the evidence ?First, in many studies , which were endorsed racial superiority in intelligence , research hypotheses , statistical methods, data analysis and final judgments and conclusions , mostly due to personal prejudices and social science researchers to reflect reality . The subjects in this study were less than a pure race and therefore could not compare racial differences in intelligence is not valid . There was also the fact that even though it appeared on intelligence tests are made for all races , intangible and subtle manner , often the manufacturers of these tests ( which are usually white race ) have been designed . All this was clear evidence that the Hansayzng (Hans Eysenk) English psychologist known and staunch defender of racial differences in IQ said : "The denial of the existence of genetic differences between races , ignoring the fact that research on established facts . "It is difficult to imagine that conflicts and contentions about the intelligence field research to date is underway , but it is true .racial superiority in intelligence , according to historical experience ( such as the issue of apartheid in South Africa or the atrocities of Hitler in Germany ) , also with political and social issues and legal issues going into ectopic application is immoral . Perhaps this is why at the moment , research and academic institutions in various countries such research than welcome . The claims of racial superiority in intelligence and IQ scores not only with reference to the claims based on other documents such as degrees , financial situations , problem solving ability , understanding , judgment and insight is good .● The bottom lineThe final word is that psychologists , when such descriptions are quite realistic , without bias and prejudice are expressed , can lead to good feelings of confidence and satisfaction and motivation , can lead to the development of potential .

Creativity and Productivity

Introductionin the environment are increasing day by Mbtkrv creative and innovative group or an individual struggling with the problems identified and the solutions they Myjvynd .Vtaly grown to be the Gvhrkhdadady .Mg creativity is inherent in human existence has been deposited . Manifestation of the divine creation of man ( Motahari ). Creativity in all areas of life and health for the mind and spirit is essential . If people are caught up in today's world order will be destroyed repetitive and mechanical . Most civilizations that have been destroyed , not only by external threats, but mainly due to the decline of creativity has been repeated and repeated . ( Creativity . Amiri 1386 .) Can be confidently claimed that none of the complex human problems would be solved at any place and any time Bvdmgr Btvanndba the people that are constantly being developed to treat realities faced by the creative ( Bohm 0.1998 ). Vasas of fact , developing creativity . Despite a long history of innovation in the organization of human life due to the recent dramatic changes in the speed of technology ,
global competition , and continued economic uncertainty have discovered that a key source of competitive environment and the survival of the environment in which creativity Drmhsvlat form new ideas and services appear to be directly related to creative thinking (MC Fazn 1998).When employees are able to be creative in their fresh ideas and useful products , performance, service , or organization and procedures apply ( Oldham , 2002; cultivated and Gylvn 2004). This increases the possibility that such ideas Dygrayn staff to use ideas in their work . In addition, they developed these ideas and apply them in their work to develop other employees are transferred . So producing fully of fresh ideas , to the organization that is able to changing conditions , adapted and threats and opportunities to respond timely to grow and develop ( Nonaka 1991; Oldham 2002). Despite the changes and developments in the growing environmentalpackage of fresh ideas and therefore achieve development organizations will remain open . At some point, most people do not know how to increase your creativity ( Edward Dbvnv 1995).GeneralDefinition of creativity :Creation of the English word creation ( creativity ) create. ( To create ). Creative ( creative ). Derived.Create: to create meaning or is making . Terms of verbs in the English language in the fourteenth century .Creation: the meaning of the act or the act of creating . Entered the infinitive in English, was a fourteenth century .Creative: means having the power and ability to create a . These traits in the seventeenth century, the English. Really creative as well as new products and valuable to those who produce the product which implies ( Vyzbrg 1978) and creativity on the holder all of these derivatives .next. ( Sternberg , 1994 ) innovative word meaning is very broad and confusing . ( Dbvnv 1992), creativity is one of the most complex and mysterious human Bamlkrd issues . Especially in the management of modern organizations is more complex creations . ( Ford and Gyvya 1995) Lndbrg believes that creativity is very extensive and confusing literature and several scientific fields such as philosophy, art ,Literature , psychology , linguistics , management were involved in this field . The subjectsStated , the following definitions are offered numerous thinkers on creativity .Gzlyn _ 1952: the creative process of change and evolution that occurs in our mental life . This definition is the emphasis on creativity and innovation as a process of evolution is synonymous with the opening . Objection to this definition ( of the creative and change ) , but any change that alters any creativity is creativity . For example : If your organization 's product or service to generate new creative Khasl is leading to changes and developments within the organization and outside the organization. But the injured with other organizations to produce imitation and copying of this product may cause some changes to be creative and that creativity is not the product .Frankel _ 1955: Creativity can affect tangible , intangible , or service that a person thought to be causing others to make sense of life. ( Schultz, 1977) that this definition focuses on creative output and outcome .Forum _ 1955: Creativity is what makes people passive and random nature of existence beyond the feeling of freedom and accordingly to achieve the goal .From the perspective of the two ways we can look beyond the passive life :2_ desire for destruction : the destruction of the natural human desire to transcend its roots and most destructive way of life is passive . This desire leads to suffering .Accordingly, it can be inferred that human beings are divided into two general categories :A - passive people : those who hold that nature determines their fate and othersB - active : People who are active interaction with nature . As mentioned, these individuals are divided into two categories: creative and destructive .From this perspective , organizations can be said of the three passive ( rehash the process of doing things ) People devastated ( independent , purposeful but destructive ) and creative people ( who directed , independent , productive and healthy ) are met . Thus preparing the ground for creativity should be noted that the output of this tiny Destroyer ( ideas, products , tasks and activities ) that are being made ​​new criteria but according to the philosophy and values ​​of not worthwhile .Maslow _ 1962 states that an organization can learn from one merchant to be creative activities . As an athlete, I learned that an attacker can effectively produce a product or writing a poem and is the creative expression of all these activities . A tendency toward greater creativity , perception and attitudes of mental health and related practices created in response to the art world . So is everyone in every job that can show your creativity . ( Schultz 1977)._ Kaiser 1968 with an emphasis on creative output , use mental abilities to produce creativity as a concept or idea . This definition emphasizes the subjective nature of the creative process and is the creative outlet .Mabyl _ 1988: Creativity expert and Harvard professor says creativity is the production of new and useful ideas by an individual or a small group of people who work together . Creativity can be defined as consisting of three elements in other activities related skills , creative thinking skills , and intrinsic motivation is . And all three components of the affected environment knows .Given the multiple definitions of content and expression of creativity from different authors are summarized in the following table : 

One of the most important topics that can be expressed in terms of the origin Creativity What is creativity ? Accordingly, the present chapter examines the most important resources are the source of creativity from the perspective of experts .1 - Subjective information :For example, the abstract idea of interacting with the seats up to create what we call a chair . Such are the source of all material things, so we 're aware of what we experience is not the seat of a chair or a tree or trees in an absolute sense . Everyone has a thorough knowledge of all the thoughts in their minds that they have to make the mind a picture of the world. All new ideas based on knowledge and experiences that remind us of the Holy Spirit that is beyond the heavens .Following Plato , philosophers such as René Descartes and Immanuel Kant that the mind is the source of new ideas .2 - Sensory Information :Aristotle was a student of Plato , who was just beginning his views but later rose to oppose them . In contrast to Plato , Aristotle believed that the source of new ideas that sensory information through the five senses through experience and interaction with the environment can be achieved . Philosophers such as Aristotle, Hobbes and Berkeley follows that sensory information originating new ideas and experience. ( Hrgnhan and Olson 1993).3 - Conflict:Sigmund Freud, the two primary process thinking secondary process thinking or conscious or unconscious named . Creativity is therefore reduces anxiety caused by the conflict . Yet the psychoanalytic perspective can be concluded:A - creative source of conflict within the particular person is unconscious .B - the production of unconscious and conscious ideas and novel solutions and new ideas to make it operational .C - generate new ideas and implement them to reduce the anxiety caused by the conflict . ( Mine Amiri , creativity , 1386 )4 - Afradsalm and healthy environment :Humanistic psychologists such as Maslow , Rogers forum and believe that creativity occurs when there is no conflict within the person and the environment is provided . ( Akaf and Vrgara 1981 )5 - Genetics :From some perspectives , including Guilford , creativity is a natural talent that can appear in a favorable environment . But the talent level is dependent on genetic characteristics .6 - Innocence and mistake :Dbvnv major resources knows confused innocence and creativity . It is natural that when entering a new area , you should read everything about it Hvh . If you do not do this you can not use the experiences of others , and by the time you 're wasting duplication clothing 9 . I 've read all the readings will not be other beginners in the study of existing concepts and may try to bring you disagree with these concepts and perceptions and even to go in opposite directions .read more of his personal worth and Mjdada stopped reading and check their ideas and extend them .the unit is organized , and how to deal with the possibility of innocence just will not exist . Organizations to benefit from the creativity of their innocence from people outside the organization , hiring new employees and job rotation are used . It is believed to be the source of errors for creativity Dbvnv errors, anomalies , and things have gone wrong K·hkh course , have often resulted in the emergence of new ideas and insights . This is the event we are out of the bounds of reasonableness .7 - place :Some experts believe that there is a source of creative works . For example, Campbell ( 1960 ) and Saymvnstvn ( 1988) Influence of the accident and the writings of William James's theory implies that the source of innovative ideas and the process of Darwinian natural selection and random random uncontrollable arises. Fleming's accidental discovery of such ratios was due to medical advances .8 - Knowledge of recent works :Pytrdrakr (1991 ) provides a more targeted search creativity is the source of creativity . These resources can be in the form of unexpected events , conflicts , needs, processes , changes in industry, market changes , mass changes , changes in perception and the development of new knowledge divided.Result of this material can be summarized in the following points :know the man . means that some of the origins of individual creativity and some of them are environmental .

Effective promotion of businesses and economic goals.

and the scope of its audience , target markets , identify local and overseas competitors , their strengths and weaknesses , and capacity utilization or exploitation ( potential and actual ) , threats and opportunities , can be found with regard to the limited financial resourcesfinds.
must choose the correct way .in this way the stereotype of what the movement and to avoid costly today, our country grew increasingly fast-changing applications environments Abzarhaytblyghaty real and virtual jockeying the observing the corporate a Find developments economic, Social , political industrial technological , and equip themselves to respond to volatility and rapid changes in the national and international requirements. Obviously do proper planning and professional development based on the needs and goals of a campaign , the targeted planning and cost control , preventing movement of parallel and not close to the goals of increasing coverage and umbrella more expedient to protect the interests of the company makes money , so do careful planning and implementation of professional programs and of the consumers and ad could demandants goods and services and the audience to buy and use products and persuading convinced and firm in their sales and marketing goals that ultimately achieving productivity and profitability is good and acceptable , can help .Some predictable promotional purposes include:- The introduction of a brand name or company , or association and its persistence over many years of production and economic activity .- Enhance the prestige of the authorities and decision -makers in economic and social prestige among the people and general audiences .- Maintain the current market share and to increase the share of domestic and overseas markets .

- Make sure consumer products , wholesale buyers and Companies Agency ( strengthening the sales network ).- A dumping ground for doing advertising and information for economic dumping competitors.- Make sure to attract domestic and foreign investment .2 - To strengthen cooperation and increase their motivation, collaboration and more .- Creating growth and ensure economic stability and growth in the company between the shareholders and owners , and decision makers .Company Advertising Programs :When the campaigns of the three programs of short , medium and long term, we want to share .moving .- The long-term plan beyond one year and are usually between 2 to 5 years , with the changing taste of the audience target markets , target markets and are looking to build in other words , long-term plans and development goals and targets Bazargshayy respective companies with market share increasing over time , competitors in the target market outputs are driven to seek to monopolize the market as possible .Promotional tools :Before the advertising tools , integrated to form a council or committee of any company or firm policies promotions of managers and experts from various departments including : marketing, sales , administrative support , communication , executive , export , servicesthe implementation of policies, advertising and information .Some of these advertising tools that can short and medium term scheduling programs used include:- Visual media ( TV and radio ) : Construction Trailer TV and radio captioned television , cinema advertising , advertising spaces using series of short documentaries and reportage advertisements and broadcast media production of the voice network Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran , and different radio network - the TV world .
- News and press : The news and information with an impressive coverage of high-speed data transfer and the flow generated by the operation .
short sections of tenders or auctions listed company and company reports daily webpage visitors ..- Identify and bridge Billboard advertising panel and right on the highways, roads and streets that need the company of choice for effective outdoor advertising , bus advertising banners and taxis clogging and sometimes benefit from the company's announcement on the main streets , especially on routes the target audience of people , mostly those who travel and commute .entrepreneurship for families and individuals .- Tours Visit the company anticipated , and the reception from audiences and target groups ( people with influence and related products sales company).- Sales and distribution network meetings and conferences and workshops (work shop) these requirements .- Participation in promotions of various sports fields , especially in sports such as football games and see player names and brands may participate in a nationwide television networks is high.- Providing appropriate and effective promotional gifts ( to prevent spoilage and splurge ) and means giving gifts that are effective and appropriate for the audience .- Participation in exhibitions , conferences and seminars related to the operation and provision of appropriate advertising space on these sites .- Forecasts and create a perfect and beautiful view from outer space, the company is exposed to public view .