Monday 2 September 2013

Iranian intelligence really high?

Livestock breeds in IQ is superior ? Issue of racial superiority in intelligence , according to historical experience ( apartheid in South Africa , and the atrocities of Hitler ) , going to be issues with political, social , legal , and ethical ectopic applications will become ...the molten ash ideas of racial superiority still be seen around the world . Contrary to what racial superiority supporters of scientific achievements in social, occupational, or academic or national groups are introduced at some point in time , historical or sociological studies to ponder the roots , the better the test they know IQ .According to a controversial study that was conducted in 1969 by researchers in the United States of America , the " inheritance " as a decisive factor in about 80 percent of the intelligence was introduced . The controversial claim that much of the intelligence , biological and genetic origins , the idea of research in different countries and cultures can be established with the aim of comparing the intelligence of different races .At the same time , many of the previous studies , the determinants of intelligence , including heredity, environment and their interaction as they had . Thus, the difference in intelligence between the races very soon ( like interracial black) were the focus of research . The results were announced, they were amazing " 10 to 15 points higher on IQ scores than whites on blacks ! " It Tbyznzhady wave intensified further , the new laws on immigration and Svgyryhayy resources and training programs for specific groups in different cultures , but studies in the meta-analysis of fieldwork intelligence , other evidence was clear .● What is the evidence ?First, in many studies , which were endorsed racial superiority in intelligence , research hypotheses , statistical methods, data analysis and final judgments and conclusions , mostly due to personal prejudices and social science researchers to reflect reality . The subjects in this study were less than a pure race and therefore could not compare racial differences in intelligence is not valid . There was also the fact that even though it appeared on intelligence tests are made for all races , intangible and subtle manner , often the manufacturers of these tests ( which are usually white race ) have been designed . All this was clear evidence that the Hansayzng (Hans Eysenk) English psychologist known and staunch defender of racial differences in IQ said : "The denial of the existence of genetic differences between races , ignoring the fact that research on established facts . "It is difficult to imagine that conflicts and contentions about the intelligence field research to date is underway , but it is true .racial superiority in intelligence , according to historical experience ( such as the issue of apartheid in South Africa or the atrocities of Hitler in Germany ) , also with political and social issues and legal issues going into ectopic application is immoral . Perhaps this is why at the moment , research and academic institutions in various countries such research than welcome . The claims of racial superiority in intelligence and IQ scores not only with reference to the claims based on other documents such as degrees , financial situations , problem solving ability , understanding , judgment and insight is good .● The bottom lineThe final word is that psychologists , when such descriptions are quite realistic , without bias and prejudice are expressed , can lead to good feelings of confidence and satisfaction and motivation , can lead to the development of potential .

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