Thursday 5 September 2013

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein XIV in March 1879 in the city of Ulm in Württemberg, Germany , and the medium was born. A year after his birth his family moved to Munich was my first . Albert 's father , Hermann Einstein, a small factory for the production of electro-chemical , and with the help of his brother, who was the technical director of the plant was operating . Although the work was completed transactions insight . Albert 's father , like many people of different political views , although with the Prvsyha German opposition , but he praised the new German Empire and its Chancellor " Bismarck " generals " Mvltkh " and the old Emperor " first wilhelm » honored Mydasht .
Albert was by no means Ajvbhay children and even took a long time to learn to speak , so that her parents were horrified that their child might be deformed or abnormal . But finally started to speak , but was often silent and never had children between the normal game and the fun and affection between the child did not like .
Young Einstein at the age of ten he left school and secondary school in Munich " Lvyyt money " was entered. In high school, you were a mistake , that it was his way of punishing you after school , supervised by a teacher , the class will be confiscated and given the perverse and hateful classrooms, it is added to stay true activation was .
Einstein was so virtuoso when he was five, his father once showed him a pocket compass , magnetic properties mysterious hand had a profound impact on children . Although no cause no visible effect on ticking , the child should be concluded in the space that will attract objects . Einstein was fifteen years old when the incident occurred that diverted the flow of his life in a new way .

When Albert came into the city of Milan, his father said he plans to leave the German citizenship . Mr. Herman noted that he is so ugly and abnormal .

Student life
In this era, the most famous technical institute in Central Europe excluding Germany, Switzerland, the Zurich School of the Academy . Albert volunteers took part in the test , but was rejected because of the natural sciences, extensive information was not passed .the new method was introduced .

After a year of staying in school to get my diploma and finding the polytechnic in Zurich was accepted without examination . Physics lessons associated with the Academy did not think any depth , even in the presence of Albert stimulated the search giant 's books to be studied . His works of classical masters such as theoretical physics : Boltzmann , Maxwell and Hertz studied with peculiar avidity . He passed the time of day and night , while reading these books , they were familiar with the art of elaborate how to build a strong mathematical foundation . He just finished his studies Rapayan 19th century and was confronted by the issue of jobs created .

Since the Polytechnic school teaching positions could be obtained , and it was only one way left that job and position in school mean to search . Albert started in 1910 and now twenty-one years old and had acquired Swiss citizenship . When he was a volunteer tutor job and was accepted .

After the dark ages , suddenly a light shone and later worked at the Patent Office and the City " Bern " moved . Shortly after moving to the city of Bern, Einstein with his old classmates at school Mylvamarych result Polytechnic married and had two sons, the name of eldest son of Albert successive laid. Einstein worked in a patent office was not unpleasant , and even gave a very interesting task, he mentioned that it was brought to the office of the invention , the Initial testing Bean.

Because of the general laws of physics , especially Einstein was interested in seeking the truth with the help of a few large businesses to deduce a logical way . Albert then tried to come back to the campus .

Academic seats

In late 1910, Chair of Theoretical Physics at the German University of Prague were empty . These universities offer college professors appointed by the Emperor of Austria was usually made ​​the right choice to put the Minister of Culture . Decision to select a candidate , first of all , the physicist , "Anton lamp " and he was taken to select two teachers , one of whom " Kvstav Yayvman " and another " Einstein " was. " Yayvman " rejected it and then accepted the position of Einstein's great rivalries .

He owns two properties that had caused him to be a proficient teacher . The first was that they had been fascinated for some more of his fellow men , especially those who lived around him useful.

his new theory is empirically confirmed .

Departure from Prague
While in Prague, Einstein taught , not only about your new idea , but with more intensity than he founded his own theory about the new Quantum of Bern started the of the . With all this detail Einstein University in Prague informed that at the end of Summer 1912, he left the service .he left Prague . "

Einstein was bound for the city of Zurich and the Zurich Polytechnic School in 1912 and went on to become a professor . Shortly after arriving in Berlin, Einstein , Einstein Hylva his wife had a disagreement with him was isolated from various aspects of life with a single occasion.

Was elected to membership in the Royal Academy , and was thirty-four years of age than their colleagues who were older than he seemed too young . Yet all that Einstein created the first man, polite and friendly .

Einstein and World War I.
Einstein lived in Berlin a year later still of the World War began in August 1914 . During the First World War , the Berlin newspaper stories every day from the start of the war the German military conquests . Meanwhile, his cousin Elsa Einstein at his home with his familiar . Elsa, the woman was kind and friendly, and he had two daughters of her late husband , former , however, Einstein married . International war and the world of science education as a result of the spirited cognition was not prevented Einstein 's theory of gravity with superb heat development and completion of their pay.

The new theory was soon confirmed and the scientists note . Experimental confirmation of Einstein's theory has attracted the attention of the public .
Einstein trips
Propaganda attacks against Einstein was opposed and led the world in all countries and in all social classes to attract public attention towards his theories . Implications for the masses, no matter what he did , and the public about what they did not understand the subject of political debate . Einstein began his journey in time , first in the Netherlands , the Czech and Slovak nations , Spain , France , Russia , Austria , Britain , America and many other countries . But the remarkable thing is that when Einstein and his wife were welcomed into New York harbor and ardent protests were met .

Einstein and the Asian countries of China , Japan and has traveled to Palestine and the end of his journey . In 1924 , after several trips around the world, Einstein was once again in Berlin . The attacks on him as he continued to express thoughts and ideas of the Jewish people and to the benefit of fascism knew Prnystvn city in America is due to Einstein . Shortly after his wife Elsa Einstein and his sister is born in 1936 in Florence Prnystvn his brother came to town .

At the same time, Einstein accepted citizenship in America . Einstein's 1945 pension law professorship Institute of Higher Studies Prnystvn left. But the official side , and he did not produce a change in lifestyle . He still Prnystvn has been mentioned in the Institute to continue his investigation .

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